Monday, April 14, 2003

prog. was really good. i sucked bigtime though! i screwed it up so bad and am feeling extremely miserable about it. i don't want to think about it though...everyone was being extremely polite and congratulating me and stuff, but i knew the truth. big deal! i don't really care. i'm glad it's done with...there was no way i'd be able to stand raghu for another minute!!!
but there are a few people i'd like to keep in touch with. hope they feel the same way : )
there's one guy i know i'll probably never meet again. he looks so cute though he's kinda short for my taste. lol...i'm so impossible!
i think it was extremely sweet of him to go out of his way just to help me. i wonder if he even knows my name! and why did he have to be mallu???!!!
the after party was honestly the worst party i'd ever been too! this is including the one in hyd....where i was almost unconscious but managed to remain sensible enuf to insist on going home. lol....they were very protective of me. i noticed that. maybe mom ha something to do with it? i know she trusts me, but she probably is afraid that i'd start acting on impulse which is what i'd do anyways! i sometimes wonder whether being impulsive is as bad as it seems. i prefer living on the edge and not planning out what i shud do etc...doing things as and when i feel like it....but i guess the world we "humans"(supoosedly the most intelligent of creatures!) created doesn't function that way...wonder why we are termed "intelligent" then! well theres' no doubt about the fact that this kinda terminology was picked by another one of us "humans!" lol
i better stop before i get philosophical!!!
(i'd really like to get to know him better though...)


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