Thursday, July 31, 2003

today is one of those days, when i'm just sitting back (as usual!) and letting life pass me by. where i seem to be doing everything at a ridiculously slow pace considering life seems to be racing!

sometimes, i wonder. is this what "life" is all about? getting up every morning (well right now, i can choose my time, which is usally around the time mom leaves for work: 8 am that is.), brushing my teeth, drinking tea and checking my mail simultaeneously, after which i get ready and then sit back and relax while waiting for my students to start appearing! i guess it's more than some other people do...atleats i'm doing something! but is "something" enough?
(obviously not, that explains my sitting and whining here on MY blog!)

will i ever grow up? i feel as helpless as i was, when i was much younger! been there, done that! thats' what it is. then how come i'm not used to it as i shud be?

u know, sometimes i wish i weren't human! i know that sounds weird, but i have a feeling that some animals are actually satisfied with their lives while i know for a fact that most humans (atleast the ones i've interacted with,) aren't!


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