Monday, March 17, 2003

more fiction...
she woke up, with an amazing sense of enthusiasm...she thought she needed to do something other than sitting at home, like on any normal friday...that was her day off....HER day...and she (much as she refused to admit it!)...was necessarily a "people" person.
she needed to be around people to feel energised and full of life. she decided to take a loooong walk to explore her comparatively new surroundings... that's when she saw him...for the first time. it was "infatuation at first sight!" he was the most beautiful thing she'd ever laid eyes on...she was so astounded that she didn't even notice that she was staring at him with her mouth open. then she realised and looked away quickly...she almost giggled at her juvenile reaction. she reminded herself that she was now a woman -- 18 years old, and extremely capable of taking care of herself in what everybody referred to as "the big, bad world."
she continued walking but had this inexplicable urge to take the very same direction that he took. she chided herself (mentally) for thinking foolishly and continued on her chosen path...
she blared the volume on her walkman and kept walking at a brisk pace...she felt good. she hadn't exercised in a long long time and this walk was giving her what she needed most at that point in her life...ENDORPHINS...(the hormone released during excessive workout that makes u temporarily happy!)


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