Friday, December 26, 2003

i can't think of a death more pathetic than the one i'm obviously going to have....
yes, dear friends, i'm dying of BSS.....
can't think of what that means? it's the BAD SKIN SYNDROME! or the BULL-SHIT SYNDROME!
either of which, in my opinion, are pretty pathetic ways to die....:)...if the bad skin doesn't kill me, the BS i'm full of, will....:)...the chances of anyone surviving such dangerous diseases are pretty slim, don't u think? ;)

nothing happened on tuesday...nobody went clubbing :(....well.... people did go clubbing....but i didn't...

what the heck's happening? my posts are not actually being published!

Thursday, December 18, 2003

ID:i'm telling you it isn't normal!
SUPEREGO:isn't that what you always say?
ID: no! he's different....i can feel it....
EGO: guys....(rolling eyes)
ID: i won't listen to you this time! i know he's different...i was quite comfortable around him.
SUPEREGO: i presume that's why you couldn't answer a simple "how're you doing?" think no one noticed your stammering? not to mention the way you were trying to slink away instead of talking to him!
ID: waaaaaah! he should have taken my number...why did he approach me if he didn't really think i was cute?
SUPEREGO: i'm telling you ego, id needs supervised treatment...(looking knowingly and shaking head sadly....)......i hate id's "crush times"....
ID: do you think i'll see him on tuesday? he did say he wanted to see me again....then why didn't he ask me out or atleast take my number????
EGO: it's ok sweetheart...i'm sure u'll see him...
ID: u think so? he was really cute wasn't he???
EGO: yes, yes. but now we need to find you something nice to wear in case u do see him...
ID: why do you put it that way? u don't think i'll see him again do u?
SUPEREGO: oh shut up! of course she listen to her and go do something about the way u look!
ID: oh so now "mommy" thinks "i" don't look good enuf eh? have u seen urself....????/
EGO: guys...we're all the same...and we even look identical, except for the fact that id is the prettiest, cos she's so childish and isn't as conscious as me...and supergo looks older cos she's so conservative and serious all the time...if we decide to act the same on any day, we all look the same too...i can't believe u haven't noticed that.
SUPEREGO: i noticed...
ID: you think he'll be there?
SUPEREGO: id! i can't believe your'e not listening! (irritated)
ID: of course i am, now what were we talking about? oh yeah something about me being pretty and him being there on tuesday.....
(both ego and superego roll their eyes and walk out leaving id to herself so she cud day-dream in peace...until tuesday....wonder what happens then? stay tuned and u'll know:p.......)

Saturday, December 13, 2003

isn't it amazing what a crush can do for you? almost everything changes....everything else 'looks' different...
it's like the goat that wears green sunglasses and believes it's eating fresh grass while the grass is still old and dried!...the grass of course is life...and the glasses as you may have already guessed is a glaucomic layer caused by crushes! lol
i know it sounds ridiculous, but it's true, isn't it?
how many of you have had crushes? you all then know the effect it has on you...nothing seems too difficult anymore...until you realise that it's all just the sunglasses! oops! the crush :D

if you lie low long enough, people start calling-curious to know if your'e still alive....(i'm talking from experience....)...
thank you for caring everyone...(aisi, this includes you...)
i'm quite okay by the way, just a lil busy as u may have already presumed?
love you guys! ;)