Friday, December 12, 2008

Sam weds Darshana

I still cannot believe that I am getting married. It's scary and exciting and I'm hoping for the best - just like with everything else... Thanks A G... I wish the best for you too... Loves :*

Monday, November 17, 2008

Year 2008...

As I near the end of one of the most surprisingly eventful, and yet not so eventful year of my life... I can't help but contemplate my life so far... I am a little over a month away from turning 24. I am finally close to actually living the married life... and I must say, it doesn't scare me too much anymore...

So, this year just happened... There was never a point when I felt like I had to blog just because nothing was happening. It started well... good GPA, part-time job at school, nearing Graduation, Wedding date set to Sept. 6th, 2008... and the inevitable move to Washington DC. Instead, life happened, and threw completely off course... and that's putting it lightly...

Singing, which has always been something I needed - almost an identity, but always far behind everything else... suddenly became my life. It gave me amazing highs, and some really low lows.. and yet, it took me on the ride of a lifetime. I've always loved singing, but this was beyond any dream!

So, I've still not graduated, I'm not yet married and I'm definitely NOT moving to DC... and yet I've had an eventful year.... :) ... Call me crazy, but this has been one of the BEST and definitely one of the most memorable years of my life...

PS. I want to thank my SLPF for being with me through all of this, supporting me in my endeavour and leeting me know that you will always be there for me... I owe you too much. I can never repay you, but I hope I can make you as happy as you deserve to be...

PPS. Mama - You know I love you... and you know I owe all of this to you... And I'm glad that you'll always be a part of me... bullying me into doing stuff "for my own good"... :p

PPPS. Idiot... I know I owe you too. But that's all part of being family... You keep giving without expecting... I hope I have been the sister you needed...

PPPPS. Cute little chickpea... sikkiliboo.... evil weevil... I love you :* ... I'm going to miss you so much .... :'( .... Just know that I will always be there for you...with my silly stories (that you love so much)... cute baby songs... and all my kisses and hugs (that seem to irritate you so much.... Get used to it. This is just the beginning... )...

PPPPPS. Acha... Thank you for everything. I know I seem ungrateful. It's just because I'm not used to a father figure in my life. I can live my life knowing that you will take care of Mommy...I hope you know that I am grateful to have you in our lives...

Friday, February 08, 2008

Winter 2008

This is weird weather, to say the least. It's unexpectedly warm one day, freezing the next, and snowing like crazy (for now)... I LOVE Michigan winters!

I know I've said this time and again, but thanks to the snow (which is a pain only because of the circular driveway), everything looks bright and beautiful again. The landscape looks like sugared candy and the dark skies seem to exude romance...

In spite of anything else I may say, my life's actually going pretty good right now, which worries me because "normal" is always a predecessor to not-so-good. But then again, not-so-good is almost always a predecessor to "great"... so I guess it's true that life is a circle... :p

Sunday, January 27, 2008


You're stuck with them for life... You love them, fight them, ignore them - I miss mine sooo much right now. I hate being alone. Mama, come back soon... :(...

Monday, October 29, 2007

I am

Here I am... existing in this World - for a reason, I hope... Otherwise, it would be useless wouldn't it? What if my sole purpose in life is to just exist? What if I didn't have a deeper purpose than just that?

Life would be wonderfully easy and hopelessly uninspiring all at once....

Wake-up calls...

I love them when they're earlier than you need them to be.

Monday, October 01, 2007


I so don't approve!... If you cannot have kids, maybe you're not supposed to. There are so many kids out there that would love more than they would love their own parents if you took them in. STOP being selfish!

Sunday, September 30, 2007


Today just happened to be one of those days that just was... I did enough, yet I achieved nothing. I'm not in the mood to take the initiative, though I do feel like preparing and doing the interviewing part of this semester's projects.

It sucks, because I really need to be doing more of the boring stuff right now. This very moment, I am supposed to be studying, and not blogging... Help me God!...