it was an okay day. the tutor loved my essay. i guess it's because she's so used to "badly grammared" essays! lol
anyways, i need to study sooooo much and clear all my doubts tomorrow before music classes :(
it was an okay day. the tutor loved my essay. i guess it's because she's so used to "badly grammared" essays! lol
good-looking or not?
a sense of satisfaction...a sense of resposibility...and maybe even a lil more confident and comfortable with myself...
today's a new start again! and come to think of it now, yesterday wasn't half as bad as i made it seem...okay he asked me out. so? i'll go and we'll continue to be "friends." as in "hi :)....bye!" lol...
aisi, ur wrong...sometimes opening your eyes to a bright morning is the best thing you can do! :)
why does he even like me?
i don't feel so good today...
finished my accounts bare minimum...:)
today was okay. my english prof. thought mine was one of the best summaries in the class...:)
finished the body of my response paper :)
good day :)
he is so funny...i thought maybe i was irritating him, but he got back to me today fact, i just checked his mail...:)
is this a test i wonder....will i be able to prove myself? am i really what i thought i was or was everyone right about me? do i really not know who i am?
did i love him? why do i miss him? is it just because i'm lonely now? why do i regret never having touched him, smelled him?
i finished my test in an hour. there were people still writing...they were people who had left within fifteen minutes! where do i stand? i don't know if i did well or not but i feel pretty good. is that good enuf?
what the heck!
here's something to think about........