Thursday, October 27, 2005

Thought for the day

Someone once said, "The only job where you start at the top, is digging a hole"!

As amateurs we all have dreams of making it big someday. Maybe it's time to stop dreaming and start paying attention to where we actually are ;))...


Did you know my favorite colour is blue? Maybe that's why I feel it so much 8-|...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Fall Colours!

My spirits soar as the fall colours reach their height in Michigan! Beauty!....I guess it does really belong in the eyes of the beholder.

Whilst most people are grumbling that it is almost Winter again, all I hear is the enticing call of the icy wind asking me to come fly with it and see all of the colors from way above - where it looks even more beautiful...(if that is even possible).

Oh, will I ever be able to absorb the true joy that the colours depict?

I find this season the most real (for lack of a word more fitting). It depicts death and the end of life (in a way), and yet I find it subtly reviving. It is almost like turning to the next page of the most excitingly interesting book I have ever read. I know that soon there will be snow - delightfully pure white snow that will wash away everything that happened the last year, and slowly melt away clearing the page for new experiences...

Whatever happens, one thing's for sure.....the New Year is definitely welcome in my life.... :) ... I like change and having to rewrite another year of my life opens up so many more possibilities ... :D ...

And Life goes on...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Life shouldn't be this way!

And I believe that the only way anything will change is when people realise what life

is all about (which, by the way, is probably never going to happen). Our lives are

insignificant in comparison to the Universe and yet in our own minds, our lives

revolve around only one person.

If we really are negligible little existences, then why is there so much tension in

our lil Worlds? Why is "LIFE" so complicated??? Why can't we just relax and take

advantage of the little time we have in this wondrous place with so many

opportunities and so many new things waiting around every corner???

Is an Exam in class actually worth crying over? Nah! which is why I've been so cool

about everything today...:)

What can I say? I guess I've taken the first step toward realization :p....

Always the Trendsetter! ;))


Ever felt lonely in a crowd? That's how I feel right now. I have an exam in an hour and

I had one this morning. I could be tense, extremely nervous and maybe a lil sick?

But Lonely????

I wonder when I'll finally figure myself out :-? .... lol

I'm sitting in the computer lab at school. Just finished revising for my Exam ... I

hear people all around me and I know a few of them myself...But you know what? I'd

rather be lonely...

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Saying "NO"

Saying "No" is about the hardest thing people can do. Well atleast the people who

are always looking for everyone else to like them...

Sometimes, you need to say no though. Why does saying "No" make you feel like a monster? Why does it make you feel selfish, though you know that the party you are saying "No" to, is being perfectly selfish themselves?...

I think the trick to saying "No" lies in not thinking too deeply about it. Don't worry what anyone else will think - if you cannot do it, you just can't!... Say "No", and don't think about it. Go ahead and do what you have to...They can manage. They've done it before....

Now, all I have to do is believe in all this crap myself! :)

Aw alright! 8-|...Since you're begging, I'll blog....:p

(Well actually, this is something I wanted to mention...)

Yesterday evening was one of the most beautiful days I have witnessed! The sky was

dark purplish...but the horizon was a mature orange to yellow... It was dark and

cool, yet there was a warm romantic feel to the way the sun was setting.

It felt like a message that if you look hard enough, you'll see the beauty of life.

..Even if it seems dark and lonely around you, if you're only willing to look

outside your self, there is everything that you ever wanted just a hand's reach away


Let's hope all of you do look farther and find what you always needed :)....

I love you >:D<

Inland! :D

Good to feel accepted again! >:P

lol...Anyways, yeah it's been a while and it will be a while before I blog again, cos I have exams for the next two weeks! Wish me luck, and see you then! :)

Thursday, October 06, 2005

One Foot Out????? :O

Incredulous! You've never been more wrong Madame /:)....

Anyways, it has been quite a while since I blogged, I admit (a tad sheepishly). People will be people dearest cousin. You shouldn't let any other people bother you I say! lol

I've been doing well, if anyone was wondering. I guess it's time I gave up childhood and took "charge of my life" like the adults refer to it... (by "it" I mean living the adult life)...
The act of living, and now I am taking my own little opportunity to figure it all out, like has been done gazillions of times already :D ....Will I like it? Well now that totally depends on moi....right? ;;) ...
Now that I am back, I demand to be put onto the "Inland" list....and you know what I'm talking about :-w...

I love you all >:D<