today a funny thing happened.....and that is exactly what inspired me to blog after a helluva lot of time....!!!
jason said hi to me and then asked me "what's new?" i looked dumbly at him for a while fumbling for an answer and came up with a very creative "nothing much " and an equally stupid expression to go with it!
well anyway, i asked him back the very same question and he said "i guess i'll have to say nothing much as well....nice answer." and i kinda smiled-laughed and he said, "well i won't be bothering u anymore." and i laughed and almost walked off when i realised what he had said...i stopped truned back and he was still looking at me and i said, "you don't bother me." (in a squeaky kinda, surprised voice but i'm actually proud of myself for having atleast said that!)
he said "really?" i said "yeah....." and he was like "well i;m glad to hear that. i'll keep talking to you!" and i laughed. then i asked him atlast whether he actually understood everything i said! and he was like "what was that u said?"lol....i gave an exhasperated sigh and repeated the question....and he was like "yeah...i think so...mostly..why?"
and i said, "i don't know. people ususally don't understand what i say. i thougth maybe it was the accent but i don't know..."
i must have looked helpless...then he was like "see ya. have a good life!" (i think!)
and i said "yeah...u too!" and then gave him a strange look while walking away....he actually did the very same thing!!!
i wanted to stay and talk to him longer but i thought maybe he had to go and he must have thought that i wanted to go! stupid na?
well we met each other just a few minutes later on teh very same corridor and i was talking to this pakistani friend of mine, saman,....he passed us by giving me a smiling look and then raising his eyebrows as he walked by....
he thinks of me as weird too!
i can't believe i cud have acted rude enuf to give him the impression that he was bothering me! i'm such a bitch! now i understand....
i actually act so rude to people here without meaning to, that i drive them away.....
he was nice enuf to still be a lil persistent and i shud be glad!
let's hope we become good friends!
love u guys~